

Born: Ju­ly 26, 1812, Brad­ford-on-Av­on, Wilt­shire, Eng­land.

Died: June 1, 1887, Great Yar­mouth, Lin­coln­shire, Eng­land.

Pseudonym: Phil­ip Mor­ti­mer.


Knight stu­died un­der John Da­vis Corfe, or­gan­ist at Bris­tol Ca­thed­ral, and be­gan com­pos­ing around age 20.

In 1839, he vi­sit­ed Am­eri­ca, and for a year taught mu­sic in the school in Ver­mont run by Em­ma Wil­lard. It was there that he wrote the mu­sic for Rocked in the Cra­dle of the Deep.

Some years lat­er, he was or­dained by the Bi­shop of Exe­ter and be­came vic­ar of St. Ag­nes, Isles of Scil­ly. He stayed at St. Ag­nes two years, then mar­ried, and went to live abroad, lat­er re­turn­ing to Eng­land and re­sum­ing com­po­sing.



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