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Friedrich Layriz


Friedrich Layritz


Born: January 30, 1808, Nem­mers­dorf, Fran­co­nia.

Died: March 18, 1859, Un­ter­schwan­ing­en, Fran­co­nia.


Layriz was the son of Fried­rich Wil­helm An­ton Lay­riz, a ju­di­cial of­fic­er in Wei­den­berg and ci­vil ad­junct in Bay­reuth, and the daugh­ter of Jo­hann Chri­stoph Ul­mer, the pas­tor in Nem­mers­dorf and a lay doc­tor.

He was the hus­band of Lou­ise Au­guste El­eo­nore Frei­in von Stein zu Nord- und Ost­heim (mar­ried 1847), daugh­ter of Diet­rich Frei­herr von Stein zu Nord- und Ost­heim, Sax­ony-Co­burg-Go­tha.

He at­tend­ed the uni­ver­si­ties of Leip­zig (PhD 1829) and Er­lan­gen, and joined the Er­lang­en theo­lo­gy fa­cul­ty in 1833.

From 1837–42 he was se­cond pas­tor at St. Jo­han­nis­kirche, Hirsch­lach, Mer­ken­dorf. In 1842, he be­came the preach­er in St. Ge­org­en, Bay­reuth.

He left Er­lang­en for Un­ter­schwan­ing­en in 1846, due to ar­gu­ments with pas­tor Eli­as Sit­tig ov­er hym­no­lo­gic­al re­form.




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