

Born: Sep­tem­ber 12, 1914, Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois.

Died: 1986, Cal­va­ry Church, Grand Ra­pids, Mi­chi­gan. He col­lapsed and died while play­ing the lead part in a church Christ­mas pro­gram.

Buried: Cha­pel Hill Me­mo­ri­al Gar­dens, Cas­cade Town­ship, Mi­chi­gan.


Lehman was the hus­band of Ed­na Da­vis (mar­ried 1941).

He was some­thing of a spir­it­ual child prod­i­gy: He ac­cept­ed Christ at age 6, be­gan preach­ing at age 9, and by age 13, was au­tho­rized to per­form mar­ri­ages by the Pro­bate Court of Ohio.

At age 15, he found­ed the Frank­lin Gos­pel Tab­er­na­cle in Frank­lin, Penn­syl­van­ia, and be­gan a ra­dio min­is­try on sta­tion WLBL in Oil Ci­ty, Penn­syl­vani­a, in 1929. Three years lat­er, his fa­mi­ly found­ed the Wheel­ing Gos­pel Tab­er­na­cle in Wheel­ing, West Vir­gin­ia.

Though he had lit­tle for­mal edu­ca­tion, Bob Jones Uni­ver­si­ty in Green­ville, South Ca­ro­li­na, award­ed Leh­man a Doc­tor of Di­vi­ni­ty de­gree in 1952, and Bi­o­la Col­lege/Tal­bot Se­mi­na­ry in south­ern Ca­li­for­nia gave him an LLD de­gree in 1954.

Lehman served as pas­tor for the Ev­an­gel Bap­tist Church, Port­land, Ore­gon (1946); the Cal­va­ry Un­de­no­mi­na­tion­al Church, Grand Ra­pids, Mi­chi­gan (1952); and Men­non­ite Breth­ren church­es in Bak­ers­field and Fres­no, Ca­li­for­nia. When he left Cal­va­ry Church in Grand Ra­pids in 1964, he be­gan his Bit of Hea­ven ra­dio min­is­try.

Lehman re­tired from full time min­is­try in 1984, but re­turned to Cal­vary Church in Grand Ra­pids to be an in­ter­im-sup­ply preach­er.




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