

Born: Jan­ua­ry 29, 1802, Leip­zig, Ger­ma­ny.

Died: Feb­ru­ary 11, 1889, Pa­ris, France.

Buried: Père La­chaise Ce­me­te­ry, Pa­ris, France.



Lutteroth came from a weal­thy Pro­test­ant fa­mi­ly in Ger­ma­ny, the son of Chris­tian Wil­helm Lut­ter­oth and Jo­han­na (Jeanne) Ca­tha­ri­na Lut­teroth, and hus­band of Hen­ri­ette Lut­ter­oth. He was the fa­ther-in-law of Will­iam Hen­ry Wad­ding­ton, French se­na­tor of Aisne.

He es­tab­lish­ed him­self in France and de­di­cat­ed him­self to ev­an­gel­ism. A bank­er by pro­fes­sion, he helped found ma­ny so­cie­ties, in­clud­ing So­ci­été Év­an­gél­ique de France, So­ci­été des Trait­és Re­li­gieux, So­ci­été de l’His­toire du Pro­test­ant­isme Fran­çais and So­ci­été Fran­çaise pour l’Abo­li­tion de l’Es­cla­vage (De­cemb­er 1834).

He al­so found­ed ma­ny news­pa­pers, in­clud­ing l’Al­ma­nach des Bons Con­seils (1826), and Le Semeur, a week­ly news­pa­per on po­li­cy, phi­lo­so­phy and li­te­ra­ture.

He al­so spent much time help­ing start the Cha­pelle de la Rue Tait­bout, a prom­in­ent Pro­test­ant church in Pa­ris, built in 1830.

In 1834, he pub­lished a col­lect­ion of French Pro­test­ant hymns ti­tled Chants Chré­ti­ens, which un­der­went sev­er­al edi­tions and was wide­ly dis­trib­ut­ed. From 1850 he de­vot­ed him­self par­ti­cu­lar­ly to the work of bib­li­cal exe­ge­sis and his­tor­ic­al re­search.

Lutteroth lived a long time in his man­sion of Bourne­ville, near La Fer­té-Mi­lon, north-east of Pa­ris.





Help Needed

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Lut­ter­oth (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),