Scripture Verse

If we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him. 1 Thessalonians 4:14


Words: Ano­ny­mous, in the Mis­sal of Li­ège, 1502 (De pro­fun­dis ex­cla­man­tes). Trans­lat­ed from La­tin to En­glish by Ri­chard F. Lit­tle­dale in the Peo­ple’s Hymn­al, 1867, alt.

Music: Bryn­tir­ion As­can H. Lut­ter­oth (1802–1889) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

  • Ad Pe­ren­nis Vi­tae Fon­tem re­port­ed­ly from the Tours Bre­vi­ary (🔊 pdf nwc)


Christ, en­throned in high­est Hea­ven,
Hear us cry­ing from the deep,
For the faith­ful ones de­part­ed,
For the souls of all that sleep;
As Thy kneel­ing Church en­treat­eth,
Hearken, Shep­herd of the sheep.

King of Glo­ry, hear our voic­es,
Grant Thy faith­ful rest, we pray;
We have sinned, and may not bide it,
If Thou mark our steps as­tray;
Yet we plead the sav­ing Vic­tim,
Which for them we bring to­day.

That which Thou Thy­self hast of­fered
To Thy Fa­ther, offer we;
Let it win for them a bless­ing,
Bless them, Je­su, set them free;
They are Thine, they wait in pa­tience;
Merciful and gra­cious be.

They are Thine, O take them quick­ly,
Thou their Hope, O raise them high;
Ever hop­ing, ever trust­ing,
Unto Thee they strive and cry;
Day and night, both morn and even,
Be, O Christ, their Guard­ian nigh.

Let Thy plen­te­ous lov­ing-kind­ness,
On them, as we pray, be poured;
Let them through Thy bound­less mer­cy,
From all ev­il be re­stored;
Hearken to the voic­es plead­ing
Of Thy Church, O gra­cious Lord.

Hear and an­swer pray­ers de­vout­est,
Break, O Lord, each bind­ing chain,
Dash the gates of death asun­der,
Quell the dev­il and his train;
Bring the souls which Thou hast ran­somed
Evermore in joy to reign.