

Born: 1954, Kentucky.



Lyons earned a ba­chelor’s de­gree in French from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ken­tuc­ky in 1977. He says about his con­ver­sion:

Although I had been raised in a God fear­ing fa­mi­ly, re­li­gion had al­ways been some­thing abstract, and faith was some­thing I felt was dif­fi­cult to at­tain.

God re­vealed Him­self ov­er a long pe­ri­od in my life in sev­er­al dif­fer­ent peo­ple. I spent ma­ny years avoid­ing some of these wit­ness­es as the Lord was con­vinc­ing my heart of sin through them.

A Bap­tist pas­tor with which I was work­ing to pay my way through col­lege asked if I mind­ed him com­ing ov­er and shar­ing a few Bi­ble vers­es with my wife and me. That was when I and my wife in­vit­ed Christ to come in­to our lives.

He and his wife moved to south­ern France in 1981 when their son was born, to be close to his par­ents-in-law in Mars­eille.
