Théophile-Jules-Henri Marzials



Born: De­cem­ber 20, 1850.

Died: Feb­ru­ary 2, 1920, Coly­ton, De­von, Eng­land.


Marzials was a Bri­tish com­pos­er, sing­er and po­et: Mar­zi­als ap­pears to have been of Bel­gian ex­tract­ion (Eu­dæ­mo­nist). Some sources say he was the son of French clergyman and an English mother.

He worked as a clerk in the Bri­tish Mu­se­um which seemed to collect more than its fair share of vagu­ely li­ter­ary hang­ers-on. (Eu­dæ­mo­nist)

The read­ing pub­lic was ap­paren­tly un­im­pressed by Mar­zi­als’ li­ter­ary ef­forts:

By 1895 [his 1873 Gal­le­ry of Pi­geons] still had not sold out…The ge­ner­al con­tem­po­ra­ry re­act­ion was not par­ti­cu­lar­ly en­thu­si­as­tic, and can best be summed up in a post­script to Dan­te Ga­bri­el Ros­set­ti’s April 19 (1873) let­ter to Ford Ma­dox Brown, where he writes:

Have you re­ceived this Pi­geon book by Mar­zi­als? Good God! And Scott tells me it pro­duce­s ex­act­ly the same im­pres­sion on him that my things did when he first saw them.


Af­ter writ­ing and per­form­ing se­ver­al po­pu­lar songs, [Mar­zi­als] van­ished in­to ob­scur­ity. (Wi­ki­pe­dia)




Help Needed

If you know Mar­zi­al’s place of birth or bu­ri­al,