

Born: Feb­ru­ary 27, 1797, Net­zel­kow, Ger­ma­ny.

Died: No­vem­ber 30, 1851, Char­lot­ten­burg, Ger­ma­ny.

Buried: Ber­lin-Char­lot­ten­burg, Ger­ma­ny.



Johann was the son of Lutheran pastor Ge­org Wil­helm Mein­hold of Net­zel­kow, on the is­land of Use­dom.

He en­tered the Uni­ver­si­ty of Greifs­wald in 1813, and be­came rec­tor of the Town School of Us­e­dom in 1820.

In 1821 he was ap­point­ed pas­tor of Co­se­row in Us­e­dom, and, in 1828, of Crum­min in Us­e­dom (D.D. from Er­lang­en, 1840).

He fin­al­ly be­came, on East­er 1844, pas­tor at Reh­win­kel, near Star­gard. He was a staunch con­ser­va­tive, and af­ter pass­ing through the re­vo­lu­tion­a­ry per­io­d of 1848, this feel­ing, cou­pled with his lean­ing to­ward Ro­man Ca­tho­li­cism, made him re­sign his post in the autumn of 1850.

He then re­tired to Char­lot­ten­burg, out­side Ber­lin.

