

Born: Feb­ru­ary 10, 1901, Mc­Loud, Ok­la­ho­ma.

Died: Oc­to­ber 19, 1994, Ok­la­ho­ma.

Buried: Cha­pel Hill Me­mo­ri­al Gar­dens Ce­me­te­ry, Ok­la­ho­ma City, Ok­la­ho­ma.


Dow was the son Dr. Jes­se Moo­ney and El­la Moo­ney, and hus­band of Ma­non Young Mc­Con­nell Sea­well.

He was known as a sing­er, news­pa­per­man, ra­dio an­nounc­er and writ­er. Dur­ing World War I, he served in the na­vy.

He was edu­cat­ed at Ok­la­ho­ma Bap­tist Uni­ver­si­ty, Shaw­nee, Ok­la­ho­ma, and South­western Bap­tist Theo­lo­gic­al Se­mi­na­ry, Fort Worth, Tex­as.

He be­longed to the Put­nam Ci­ty Bap­tist Church, Ok­la­ho­ma City, for four de­cades, and di­rect­ed mu­sic in Bap­tist church­es in Ok­la­ho­ma.



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