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Scripture Verse

According to His mercy He saved us. Titus 3:5


Words: Ray E. York, in Je­ho­vah’s Praise, ed­it­ed by Ish­am E. Rey­nolds & Bay­lus B. Mc­Kin­ney (Fort Worth, Tex­as: South­west­ern Press, 1925), num­ber 104.

Music: M. Dow Moo­ney (🔊 ).

If you know York’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him or Moo­ney (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Have you full as­sur­ance that your soul is saved?
Do you have the bless­ing that your heart has craved?
Are you ful­ly trust­ing in the Liv­ing Word?
Are you saved for­ev­er through your ris­en Lord?


Saved for­ev­er!
I am saved for­ev­er thro’ my ris­en Lord!
Saved for­ev­er!
I am saved for­ev­er thro’ my ris­en Lord!

Does the Ho­ly Spir­it wit­ness in your soul?
That the blood of Je­sus makes your spir­it whole?
Is your heart with Je­sus now in full ac­cord?
Are you saved for­ev­er through your ris­en Lord?


Does your will to Je­sus in sub­mis­sion bow?
Do you know the bless­ing of sal­va­tion now?
Does your hope in Je­sus hap­py peace af­ford?
Are you saved for­ev­er through your ris­en Lord?


Do you meet temp­ta­tions with a cour­age strong?
Are you stand­ing firm against all forms of wrong?
Are you con­stant vic­tor by the Spir­it’s sword?
Are you saved for­ev­er through your ris­en Lord?
