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Charles Legh Naylor



Born: Oc­to­ber 14, 1869.

Died: No­vem­ber 22, 1945.


Charles was the son of John Nay­lor (or­gan­ist at York Min­ster, 1883–97) and Ma­ry Ann Chat­win, and hus­band of Ada Emi­ly Binns (mar­ried 1902, Scar­bo­rough, North York­shire, Eng­land).

He was edu­cat­ed at St Pe­ter’s School, York, and earned a first class de­gree in mu­sic from Em­ma­nu­el Col­lege, Cam­bridge, in 1890.

He served as or­gan­ist at Em­ma­nu­el Col­lege (1889–92); de­pu­ty or­gan­ist at York Min­ster (1891–92); or­gan­ist at St. Pe­ter’s Church, Har­ro­gate (1892–1902); con­duct­or of the Kur­saal Or­ches­tra, Har­ro­gate (1902–11); or­gan­ist of All Souls Church, Black­man Lane, Leeds (1911–17); and or­gan­ist at St. Pe­ter’s Church, Har­ro­gate (1917–35).

He was al­so mu­sic­al ad­vis­or to the Me­tho­dist School Hym­nal, for which he com­posed 50 tunes.



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