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Scripture Verse

Behold, I stand at the door, and knock. Revelation 3:20


Franklin L. Sheppard

Words: Frank­lin L. Shep­pard, 1915. Ap­peared in his Al­le­lu­ia (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: West­min­ster Press, 1916), num­ber 152, with his ini­tials, S. F. L. (Shep­pard, Frank­lin L.).

Music: Guang­dong Charles L. Nay­lor, 1916 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Nay­lor (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Jesus Knocking at the Door
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Christ thy Lord is wait­ing now,
Let Him in! Let Him in!
See the thorns up­on His brow!
Let Him in! Let Him in!
He, from sin to set us free,
Suffered on the shame­ful tree;
Think up­on His ago­ny!
Let Him in! Let Him in!

Son of God, be­hold Him nigh!
Let Him in! Let Him in!
Son of Man, ex­alt­ed high!
Let Him in! Let Him in!
Cast away thy sin­ful pride:
With thy Sav­ior, guard­ian, guide,
Thou wilt e’er be sa­tis­fied,
Let Him in! Let Him in!

Seeks He now the hum­ble heart,
Let Him in! Let Him in!
Calls it from the world apart,
Let Him in! Let Him in!
Yield to Him His right­ful place,
Look to Him for needed grace;
Now begin the heav’n­ly race!
Let Him in! Let Him in!

Blessèd Lord, I now be­lieve!
Enter in! En­ter in!
Joyfully I Thee re­ceive,
Enter in! En­ter in!
Thou the path of life wilt show,
Comfort me in time of woe;
Hidden things wilt make me know!
Enter in! En­ter in!

Thou wilt give me full­est joy,
Enter in! En­ter in!
Calm, and free from sin’s al­loy,
Enter in! En­ter in!
Striving, at my side Thou’lt stand,
Fainting, stay me by Thy hand;
Take me to the heav’n­ly land!
Enter in! En­ter in!