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Scripture Verse

Thou, even Thou, art Lord alone. Nehemiah 9:6


Words: Trans­lat­ed from Swed­ish to Eng­lish by El­mer L. Jor­gen­son, Great Songs of the Church (Lou­is­ville, Ken­tuc­ky: Word and Work, 1921), num­ber 33.

Music: Ca­na­ry Wharf, ano­ny­mous (🔊 ).

Elmer L. Jorgenson


Christ, Thou alone art my Lord, and no oth­er
Shall, on the throne of my heart, ri­val Thee;
Stronger Thy love than the love of a mo­ther,
Deeper Thy peace than the depths of the sea.

Christ, Thou alone dost from bond­age de­liv­er,
Bringing me free­dom and bless­èd re­lease;
Crushing the heart—then re­stor­ing for­ev­er,
Pouring in­to it the balm of Thy peace.

Christ, Thou alone shalt be mas­ter and own­er;
Thou art the bride­groom, and we are the bride;
Faithful to Thee, to ob­ey and to hon­or,
Robed as a queen we shall reign at Thy side.

Christ, Thou alone in­to har­bor shall guide me,
After the jour­ney for­ev­er is o’er;
Safe in Thy glo­ry, no sha­dow to hide Thee,
Sorrow and sigh­ing shall end ev­er­more.