Georg Nigidius

Born: No­vem­ber 25, 1525, Al­len­dorf, Hes­sen, Ger­ma­ny.

Died: 1589, Her­ford, North Rhine-West­phal­ia, Ger­ma­ny.


Niege was edu­cat­ed at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Mar­burg (ba­che­lor’s de­gree, li­ber­al arts, 1545).

In 1545, he joined the Lands­knechts, Ger­man­ic mer­ce­na­ries used in pike and shot formations. He took part in nu­mer­ous wars and cam­paigns in the em­pire, in Scot­land and in Swe­den as a sim­ple mer­ce­nary, and as a cap­tain from 1564.

Through the me­dia­tion of mer­ce­na­ry lead­er Ge­org von Hol­le, in 1567 he re­ceived the of­fice of Sek­re­tärs der Land- und Rit­ter­schaft des Hoch­stifts Min­den.

He spent his last years as ad­min­is­tra­tor of the Jo­han­ni­ter­kom­mende La­ge near Os­na­brück and as a pri­vate ci­ti­zen in Her­ford.


Niege wrote Ger­man and La­tin poems, and a rhym­ing au­to­bio­gra­phy. He al­so set some songs to mu­sic, but lit­tle of his output was pub­lished dur­ing his lifetime.



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