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Cyrus Silvester Nusbaum



Born: Ju­ly 27, 1861, Mid­dle­bury, In­di­ana.

Died: De­cem­ber 27, 1937, Wi­chi­ta, Kan­sas.

Buried: Wal­nut Hill Ce­me­te­ry, King­man, Kan­sas.



Cyrus was the son of Ja­cob Nus­baum and Ca­ro­line Hoo­ver.

In 1885, he be­gan teach­ing school in Ma­ri­on Coun­ty, Kan­sas.

He was or­dained a Me­tho­dist min­is­ter in 1886, and pas­tored in Doug­lass, God­dard, Wi­chi­ta, and King­man, Kan­sas.

He went on to serve as edu­ca­tion­al sec­re­ta­ry at South­western Col­lege in Win­field, Kansas (1895–97); pas­tor at Ot­ta­wa, Kan­sas (1897–1903); pre­sid­ing el­der of the In­de­pen­dent Dis­trict (1903–07); and pas­tor at Par­sons, Kan­sas (1908–14).

In 1914, the Me­tho­dist Con­fer­ence ap­point­ed him as an ev­an­gel­ist. Dur­ing World War I, he served as an Am­eri­can Red Cross in­spect­or in France, hold­ing the rank of U.S. Ar­my cap­tain.

After the war, he oft­en spoke on the Red­path Ly­ce­um cir­cuit, and held ev­an­gel­is­tic meet­ings in Kan­sas, Ne­bras­ka, Ok­la­ho­ma, and Tex­as. South­western Col­lege con­ferred a DD de­gree up­on him.

In his lat­ter years, he served small Kan­sas churches, and was a sup­ply preach­er at Lost Springs and An­te­lope.

