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George Herbert Palmer



Born: Au­gust 9, 1846, Grant­ches­ter, Cam­bridge­shire, Eng­land.

Died: June 20, 1926, Ox­ford, Eng­land.

Buried: Church­yard of St. Ma­ry and St. John, Ox­ford.


George was the son of mas­ter print­er Jo­na­than Pal­mer of Cam­bridge and his wife Eli­za­beth.

He was ed­ucat­ed at Tri­ni­ty Col­lege, Cam­bridge (BA 1868), and was or­dained an Ang­li­can dea­con in 1869 and priest in 1871 at Ches­ter.

He served as cur­ate and or­gan­ist at St. Mar­ga­ret’s, Tox­teth Park, Li­ver­pool (1869–76), and St. Bar­na­bas, Pim­li­co, Bel­gra­via, Lon­don (1876–83).

In 1888, he helped found the Plain­song and Me­die­val Mu­sic So­ci­ety. In 1917, Arch­bi­shop of Can­ter­bu­ry Ran­dall Da­vid­son award­ed him a Lam­beth de­gree of Doc­tor of Mu­sic.

Several of Pal­mer’s trans­la­tions from the La­tin are in The Hym­ner, 1904.




Help Needed

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Pal­mer (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?