🡅 🡇 🞮

Zimri Mullen Parvin



Born: Ap­ril 25, 1843, Rip­ley Coun­ty, In­di­ana.

Died: Oc­to­ber 20, 1921, Port­land, Ore­gon.

Buried: Ci­ty View Ce­me­te­ry, Sa­lem, Ore­gon.


Parvin was the hus­band of Ade­laide Sut­ton (mar­ried 1866, Bar­dolph, Il­li­nois).

During the Am­eri­can ci­vil war, he was in Com­pa­ny D, 64th Il­li­nois In­fan­try. He served for a year, un­til he was dis­charged for dis­abil­ity in 1862.

By 1898, he was a pi­ano and voice in­struc­tor at Al­ba­ny Col­lege (now Lew­is & Clark Col­lege), Port­land, Ore­gon. In 1917, his name ap­peared with the pre­fix Mus. Doc. on mu­sic whose back co­ver had the com­mence­ment prog­ram for the North­west Nor­mal School of Music and Arts.

Parvin’s works in­clude:



Help Needed

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Par­vin (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?