Scripture Verse

I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of Heaven. Matthew 16:19


Daniel R. Lucas (1840–1907)

Words: Da­ni­el R. Lu­cas, Apos­to­lic Hymns and Songs (Os­ka­loo­sa, Io­wa: Cen­tral Book Con­cern, 1875), num­ber 7.

Music: Van­der­bilt Zim­ri M. Par­vin (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Par­vin (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


The Lord to Pe­ter gave
Before He left the earth,
The keys to op­en wide the door
That leads to hea­ven­ly birth.

The Ho­ly Spir­it came
On Pen­te­cost­al day,
And gave by in­spi­ra­tion’s tongue
The true and liv­ing way.

How Christ the Lord of love,
By wick­ed hands was slain,
And ov­er­came His ene­mies
By ris­ing up again.

With pierc­èd hearts they cry,
Ye men, what shall we do?
The an­swer comes, ’tis mer­cy’s voice,
As Pe­ter tells them true.

Repent and be bap­tized,
If pro­mise you would claim,
Remitted, then, your sins shall be,
In Je­sus’ ho­ly name.

Come, sin­ners, one and all,
These terms to you are giv­en;
No oth­er way on earth is known
For this is bound in Hea­ven.