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Samuel Preiswerk




Born: Sep­tem­ber 19, 1799, Rüm­ling­en, Ba­sel Can­ton, Swit­zer­land.

Died: Jan­ua­ry 13, 1871, Ba­sel, Swit­zer­land.


Samuel was the son of Al­ex­an­der Preis­werk, pas­tor at Rüm­ling­en, and ma­ter­nal grand­fa­ther of Swiss psy­chia­trist and psy­cho­ana­lyst Carl Jung.

He stu­died at the Uni­ver­si­ties of Ba­sel, Tü­bing­en, and Er­lang­en, and was for some time cur­ate in charge at Benk­en, Ba­sel Can­ton.

In 1824, he was ap­point­ed preach­er at the Ba­sel Or­phan­age, and in 1829 He­brew tu­tor at the Ba­sel mis­sion house.

In 1830, he be­came pas­tor of Mut­tenz (near Ba­sel), but had to leave up­on the out­break of the Re­vo­lu­tion of 1832.

After be­ing pro­fess­or of Old Tes­ta­ment Exe­ge­sis and Ori­ent­al Lang­uag­es in the Ev­an­gel­ic­al theo­lo­gic­al In­st­itute in Ge­ne­va (1834–47), he re­turned to Ba­sel, where he be­came pas­tor of St. Le­on­ard’s Church in 1843, and an­tis­tes, or high­est dig­ni­ta­ry, in the Ca­thed­ral, in 1859.



Help Needed

If you know Preis­werk’s bu­ri­al place, would you send us an e-mail?