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Scripture Verse

Unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it abides alone: but if it dies, it brings forth much fruit. John 12:24


Johann Haydn (1737–1806)

Words: Sam­uel Preis­werk (verses 1–2) & Fe­li­cian M. von Za­rem­ba (verse 3) (Die Sach’ ist dein, Herr Je­su Christ). Trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by Ju­li­us H. Horst­mann, 1908.

Music: Jo­hann M. Hay­dn (1737–1806) (🔊 ).

Samuel Preiswerk (1799–1871)


The work is Thine, O Christ, our Lord,
The cause for which we stand;
And be­ing Thine, ’twill ov­er­come
Its foes on ev­ery hand.
Yet grains of wheat, be­fore they grow,
Are bur­ied in the earth be­low;
All that is old doth per­ish there,
To form a life both new and fair;
So too are we
From self and sin made free.

Thro’ suf­fer­ing Thou, O Christ, did go
Unto Thy throne above;
And lead­est now the self same way
Those true in faith and love;
So lead us, then, tho’ suf­fer­ings wait,
To share Thy king­dom’s heav’n­ly state,
Thy death has brok­en Sa­tan’s might,
And leads the faith­ful to the light;
Eternal light,
From dark­ness in­to light.

Thou hast, O Sav­ior, led the way
Thro’ ago­ny and death;
O give, we pray, yet more and more
Thy Spir­it’s liv­ing breath;
Send mes­sen­gers o’er land and sea
To bring Thy child­ren all to Thee;
Thy name can save, Thy name makes free;
We con­se­crate our­selves to Thee
As ser­vants true,
As ser­vants strong and true.