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Maude Louise Ray

Circa 1880–?

Mrs. Arthur Spear Hartwell


Born: Cir­ca 1880, Frank­lin, Mas­sa­chu­setts.


In 1907, Maude mar­ried phy­si­cian Ar­thur Hart­well (list­ed in the Mas­sa­chu­setts Me­di­cal So­ci­ety Ca­ta­log, 1902–21). They were liv­ing in Nor­wood, Mas­sa­chu­setts, in 1921.

Maude gra­du­at­ed from Vas­sar Col­lege, Pough­keep­sie, New York, in 1900.

She served as as­sist­ant ed­ito­r of the New York Ev­an­gel­ist (1901–02). This ma­ga­zine, be­gun in 1830, merged in­to the Chris­tian Work and the Ev­an­gel­ist, and in 1902 be­came simp­ly Chris­tian Work.

Maude con­trib­ut­ed po­ems to va­ri­ous ma­ga­zines, and ap­peared in the Wo­man’s Who’s Who of Am­eri­ca, by John Will­iam Le­on­ard (New York: Am­eri­can Com­mon­wealth, 1914), page 369.


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