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Adam Reissner

1496–circa 1575

Adam Reusner


Born: 1496, Mün­dels­heim (now Min­del­heim), Swa­bi­an Ba­va­ria.

Died: Cir­ca 1575, prob­ab­ly in Mün­dels­heim.


Reissner first stu­died at Wit­ten­berg, and around 1521 learned He­brew and Greek un­der Jo­hann Reuch­lin.

He then be­came pri­vate sec­re­ta­ry to Ge­org von Freunds­berg, and ac­com­pa­nied him dur­ing the It­al­ian cam­paign (1526–27).

After the ca­pture of Rome in 1527, he re­turned to Ger­ma­ny, and spent some time in Strass­burg (now Stras­bourg, France), where he be­came a friend and ad­her­ent of Cas­par Schwenk­feldt.

He seems to have been liv­ing in Frank­furt am Main in 1563, but there­af­ter re­turned to Mün­dels­heim, where he was still liv­ing in 1572.

He wrote over 40 hymns in his life­time.



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