

Born: Ap­ril 23, 1586, Eil­en­burg, Sax­ony.

Died: De­cem­ber 8, 1649, Eil­en­burg, Sax­ony . A me­mor­ial tab­let was af­fixed to his house on East­er Mon­day, Ap­ril 26, 1886.

Buried: Stadt­kirche, Eil­en­burg, Sax­ony.



After at­tend­ing the La­tin School at Eil­en­burg, Rink­art be­came, in No­vem­ber 1601, a foun­da­tion scho­lar and cho­ris­ter of the St. Tho­mas School in Leip­zig.

This schol­ar­ship al­so let him pro­ceed to the Uni­ver­si­ty of Leip­zig, where he en­rolled for the sum­mer ses­sion of 1602 as a theo­lo­gy stu­dent.

After com­plet­ing his stu­dies, he stayed for some time in Leip­zig (he did not take his mas­ter’s de­gree un­til 1616). In March 1610, he of­fered him­self as a can­di­date for the post of dia­co­nus at Eilen­burg, and was pre­sent­ed to the Town Coun­cil.

However, the Su­per­in­ten­dent re­fused to sanc­tion the ar­range­ment, nom­in­al­ly on the grounds that Rink­art was a bet­ter mu­si­cian than theo­lo­gian, but real­ly be­cause he was un­will­ing to have a strong willed coll­eague who was na­tive of Eil­en­burg.

So in­stead, Rink­art took a po­si­tion at the Eis­le­ben Gym­na­si­um in June 1610, al­so serv­ing as can­tor at St. Ni­cho­las Church. Af­ter a few months, he be­came dia­co­nus of St. Anne’s Church in the Neu­stadt of Eis­le­ben.

He be­came pas­tor at Er­de­born and Lüt­jen­dorf, near Eis­le­ben, in 1613. In 1617, he be­came arch­dia­co­nus at Eil­en­burg.

Rinkart was a vo­lu­mi­nous writ­er and a good mu­si­cian. Among oth­er things, he wrote a cy­cle of se­ven dra­mas (co­me­dies), sug­gest­ed by the cen­ten­ary of the Re­for­ma­tion in 1617.


His hymns ap­peared main­ly in:

