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Leland Bernhard Sateren



Born: Oc­to­ber 13, 1913, Ev­er­ett, Wash­ing­ton.

Died: No­vem­ber 10, 2007, Min­ne­ap­olis, Min­ne­so­ta.


Leland was the son of min­is­ter Law­rence Bay­ard Sa­ter­en, and hus­band of Ger­trude Onet­ta Swen­um­son.

He was edu­cat­ed at Augs­burg Col­lege, Min­ne­ap­olis, Min­ne­so­ta (BA 1935) and the Uni­ver­si­ty of Min­ne­so­ta (MA 1943).

After col­lege, he taught school in Moose Lake, Min­ne­so­ta, for three years.

He later was mu­sic di­rect­or for the Uni­ver­si­ty of Min­ne­so­ta’s ra­dio sta­tion, KUOM, a pro­fess­or of mu­sic, and di­rect­ed the Augs­burg Col­lege choir.

In 1971, the king of Nor­way be­stowed on him the St. Ol­af me­dal for po­pu­lar­iz­ing Nor­weg­ian mu­sic.



Help Needed

If you know Sa­ta­ren’s bu­ri­al place, would you send us an e-mail?