


Born: June 17, 1843, Vor­rel, Ha­no­ver, Ger­ma­ny.

Died: Au­gust 11, 1926, Co­lum­bus, Ohio.

Buried: Green Lawn Ce­me­te­ry, Co­lum­bus, Ohio.

Pseudonym: T. O. F.


Conrad was the hus­band of Vic­tor­ia Ma­rie Or­lopp.

His fa­mi­ly emi­grat­ed to Am­eri­ca when he was nine years old.

He was edu­cat­ed at Capital Uni­ver­si­ty in Co­lum­bus, Ohio, and was or­dained in 1865.

He pas­tored at St. Mark’s Lu­ther­an Church, De­la­ware, Ohio, and be­came a pro­fess­or of ma­the­ma­tics and na­tur­al phi­lo­so­phy (and lat­er theo­lo­gy) at Ca­pi­tal Uni­ver­si­ty.

He went on to be­come the uni­ver­si­ty’s pre­si­dent, and served as pas­tor of Grace Lu­ther­an Church in Co­lum­bus. In 1881, he moved to Plea­sant Ridge (now Bex­ley), Ohio, to be pas­tor at Christ Lu­ther­an Church there.

In 1886, he was ed­it­or of the Co­lum­bus Theo­lo­gic­al Ma­ga­zine.

In 1894, he be­came pre­si­dent of the Lu­ther­an Joint Sy­nod of Ohio and Oth­er States. He helped found the Na­tion­al Lu­ther­an Coun­cil, and was its pre­si­dent (1923–25).





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