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Scripture Verse

The Father…the Son and…the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:20


Martin Behm (1557–1622)

Words: Mar­tin Behm, 1608 (O heil­ige Drei­fal­tig­keit). Trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by Con­rad H. L. Schuet­te, 1880, alt.

Music: O heil­ige Drei­fal­tig­keit Ni­ko­laus Her­mann, Die Son­tags euan­ge­li­ca üb­er das gantze Jar (Wit­ten­berg, Ger­ma­ny: 1560) (🔊 ).

Nikolaus Hermann


O bless­èd Ho­ly Tri­ni­ty,
Divine, eter­nal Uni­ty,
God Fa­ther, Son and Ho­ly Ghost,
Be Thou this day my guide and host.

My soul and bo­dy keep from harm,
O’er all I have ex­tend Thine arm,
That Sa­tan may not cause dis­tress
Nor bring me shame and wretch­ed­ness.

The Fa­ther’s love shield me this day,
The Son’s pure wis­dom cheer my way,
The Ho­ly Spir­it’s light di­vine
Illume my heart’s be­night­ed shrine.

My Mak­er, strength­en Thou my heart,
O my Re­deem­er, help im­part,
Blest Com­fort­er, keep at my side
That faith and love in me abide.

Lord, bless and keep Thou me as Thine;
Lord, make Thy face up­on me shine;
Lord, lift Thy coun­te­nance on me
And give me peace, sweet peace, from Thee.