

Born: 1665, Eng­land.

Died: Jan­ua­ry 29, 1739, Bock­ing, Essex, Eng­land.

Buried: Bock­ing End Con­gre­ga­tion­al Church, Brain­tree, Essex, Eng­land.


Thomas was the son of Will­iam Shep­herd, some­time vi­car of Til­brook, Bed­ford­shire.

Thomas was or­dained an An­gli­can priest, serv­ing first at St. Ne­ots, then in Buck­ing­ham­shire. He lat­er left the Church of Eng­land, and in 1694 be­came pas­tor of the In­de­pen­dent Cas­tle Hill Bap­tist Meet­ing, North­amp­ton (Phil­ip Dodd­ridge lat­er served there, as well).

In 1700 he moved to Bock­ing, Essex, preach­ing in a barn for se­ver­al years be­fore a cha­pel could be built. He served there the re­main­der of his life.



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