


Born: June 26, 1702, Lon­don, Eng­land.

Died: Oc­to­ber 26, 1751, Lis­bon, Por­tu­gal, of tu­ber­cu­lo­sis. Dodd­ridge had gone there to re­cu­per­ate from ex­haus­tion.

Buried: Eng­lish Pro­test­ant Ce­me­te­ry (at­tached to the Brit­ish Fac­tory), Lis­bon, Por­tu­gal.



Philip was the son of Da­ni­el and Eli­za­beth Dodd­ridge. His mo­ther was the daugh­ter of John Bau­man, an ex­iled Bo­he­mi­an cler­gy­man.

Youngest of 20 child­ren, at birth Phil­ip showed so lit­tle sign of life that he was laid aside as dead. But one of his at­tend­ants, think­ing she per­ceived some mo­tion, or breath, took that ne­ces­sa­ry care of him, on which, in those ten­der cir­cum­stan­ces, the fee­ble frame of life de­pend­ed, which was so near ex­pir­ing as soon as it was kind­led. (Long, p. 128).

Doddridge at­tend­ed King­ston Gram­mar School at St. Al­bans, and a Non­con­formi­st aca­de­my in Kib­worth, Lei­ces­ter­shire. He went on to be­come one of the dis­sent­ing cler­gy.

He was pas­tor of an in­de­pen­dent con­gre­ga­tion, and tu­tor of a se­mi­na­ry for dis­sent­ing min­is­ters at North­amp­ton from 1739 un­til his death. He wrote hun­dreds of hymns to ac­com­pa­ny his ser­mons, but none were pub­lished dur­ing his life­time. His friend and bi­og­raph­er Job Or­ton is­sued them pos­thu­mous­ly.


