The captives shall soon be released; they shall not die and go down into the pit, nor shall they want for bread. For I am the Lord, your God, who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar; the Lord of hosts by name.
Isaiah 51:14–15
Words: Philip Doddridge (1702–1751). Published posthumously in Hymns Founded on Various Texts in the Holy Scriptures, by Job Orton (Shropshire, England: Joshua Eddowes & John Cotton, 1755), number 105: God’s captives released; applied to spiritual deliverances.
Music: Festal Song William H. Walter, in the Episcopal Hymnal with Tunes Old and New, by John I. Tucker, 1872 (🔊
Alternate Tunes:
If you know where to get a good photo of Walter (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Captives of Israel, hear,
Who now as exiles mourn;
See your almighty God appear
To hasten your return.
Jehovah is His name;
Lord of celestial hosts;
Let Heav’n that saving power proclaim
In which His Israel trusts.
Tho’ helpless now ye lie,
As in a dungeon thrown,
When parched with painful thirst ye cry,
And when your bread is gone,
Deliverance comes apace;
Ye shall not there expire;
Prepare to sing redeeming grace
With His triumphant choir.
He smote the raging sea
’Midst its tumultuous roar,
And paved His chosen troops a way
Safe to its distant shore.
In Him let Israel hope,
At whose supreme command
Graves yield their breathless captives up,
And seas become dry land.