Scripture Verse

I appoint unto you a kingdom, as My Father hath appointed unto Me, that ye may eat and drink at My table in My kingdom, and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel. Luke 22:29–30


Henry W. Baker (1821–1877)

Words: Jean B. de San­teüil, in the Clu­ni­ac Bre­vi­ary, 1686 (Coel­es­tis aul­ae prin­ci­pes). Trans­lat­ed from La­tin to Eng­lish by Hen­ry W. Bak­er in Hymns An­cient and Mo­dern, 1861.

Music: Uni­ver­si­ty Col­lege Hen­ry J. Gaunt­lett, 1848 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

Henry Gauntlett
National Portrait Gallery



Captains of the saint­ly band,
Lights who light­en ev­ery land,
Princes who with Je­sus dwell,
Judges of His Is­ra­el:

On the na­tions sunk in night
Ye have shed the Gos­pel light;
Sin and er­ror flee away;
Truth re­veals the pro­mised day.

Not by war­ri­or’s spear and sword,
Not by art of hu­man word,
Preaching but the cross of shame,
Rebel hearts for Christ ye tame.

Earth, that long in sin and pain
Groaned in Sa­tan’s dead­ly chain,
Now to serve its God is free
In the law of li­ber­ty.

Distant lands with one ac­claim
Tell the hon­or of your name,
Who, wher­ev­er man has trod,
Teach the mys­ter­ies of God.

Glory to the Three in One
While eter­nal ag­es run,
Who from deep­est shades of night
Called us to His glo­ri­ous light.