Scripture Verse

The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath. Matthew 12:8


William Gardiner (1770–1853)
British Museum

Words: Phi­lip Dodd­ridge, 1737. Mo­di­fied by Tho­mas Cot­ter­ill, 1819, and others.

Music: Ger­ma­ny Sac­red Me­lo­dies, by Will­iam Gar­di­ner, 1815 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

Philip Doddridge (1702–1751)


Lord of the Sab­bath, hear us pray,
In this Your house, on this Your day;
And own, as grate­ful sac­ri­fice,
The songs which from Your tem­ple rise.

Now met to pray and bless Your name,
Whose mer­cies flow each day the same;
Whose kind com­pas­sions ne­ver cease,
We seek in­struct­ion, par­don, peace.

Your eart­hly Sab­baths, Lord, we love,
But there’s a nob­ler rest above;
To that our la­bor­ing souls as­pire
With ar­dent hope and strong de­sire.

In Your blest king­dom we shall be
From ev­ery mor­tal trou­ble free;
No sighs shall min­gle with the songs
Resounding from im­mor­tal tongues.

No rude alarms of rag­ing foes;
No cares to break the long re­pose;
No mid­night shade, no wan­ing moon,
But sac­red, high, eter­nal noon.

O long ex­pect­ed day, be­gin,
Dawn on these realms of woe and sin!
Break, morn of God, up­on our eyes;
And let the world’s true Sun arise!