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Moses Gage Shirley



Born: May 15, 1865, Goffs­town, New Hamp­shire.

Died: July, 1916, Goffs­town, New Hamp­shire.

Buried: Shir­ley Hill Ce­me­te­ry, Goffs­town, New Hamp­shire.



Moses was the son of Will­iam and Margarett Ann Shir­ley.

Mr. Shir­ley is ve­ry proud of the fact that he was born and lived in the house built by a sol­dier of the [Am­eri­can] Re­vo­lu­tion—John Dins­more.

Probably it is the old­est and on­ly house in town that has al­ways been owned and oc­cu­pied by one fa­mi­ly. Mr. Shir­ley is the fourth ge­ne­ra­tion of his fa­mi­ly to oc­cu­py it.

John Din­smore was one of the first set­tlers in [Goffs­town]. He gave the home­stead to Mr. Shir­ley’s grand­fa­ther, who in turn gave it to his son, the fa­ther of the sub­ject of this sketch, who now oc­cu­pies it.

The po­et is al­so proud of the fact that he is a des­cend­ant of Lieu­ten­ant Will­iam Shir­ley, who served on Ge­ne­ral John Stark’s staff at the bat­tle of Bunk­er Hill, [Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts] and through­out the stormy days of the Re­vo­lu­tion.

Like his il­lus­tri­ous an­ces­tor the poe­ms of Mos­es Gage Shir­ley breathe the spir­it of truth, jus­tice, and right­eous­ness, com­bined with a sweet beau­ty of rhyme and rhy­thm. They are all on high mor­al ground and ap­peal to bet­ter liv­ing and a more ex­alt­ed life.

Charles H. Gab­ri­el
The Sing­ers and Their Songs, 1916



No Night There

Forevermore it’s written, there shall be
No darkness in that golden city, where
Our Christ still lives, who walked by Galilee,
And sainted spirits breathe through realms of prayer.

For God shall wipe away all earthly tears
Of sorrow from our poor delusive eyes
Where death will end, and pain and secret fears
Shall be unknown in His great paradise.

Bright with a radiance from the eternal cross,
Telling of Calvary’s awful silent dread,
Beyond the power of universal loss,
The heritage of Faith which is not dead.

Moses Gage Shirley
A Book of Poems, 1887

