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Scripture Verse

Thou shalt sleep with thy fathers. Deuteronomy 31:16


Moses G. Shirley (1865–1916)

Words: Mos­es G. Shir­ley, 1904.

Music: Charles H. Ga­bri­el (🔊 ).

Charles Gabriel (1856–1932)


Some day the sun of life will set,
And I shall fall asleep,
And, leav­ing all that I hold dear,
Will find the si­lence deep:
That mys­te­ry which, still un­solved,
God and His an­gels know,
And those who walk the crys­tal streams
Where heav’n­ly breez­es blow,
Where grief nor sor­row ev­er come,
Nor trou­ble’s bil­lows sweep;
Some day the Reap­er will appear,
And I shall fall asleep.

Some day the cares of life will cease,
And I shall fall asleep,
And, pass­ing from you, I shall see
Afar the gold­en street,
And saint­ed forms of those who dwell
Upon the oth­er shore,
Behold the loves ones who from us
Awhile have gone be­fore;
Where soft and cool­ing path­ways lie,
Where none shall ev­er weep—
Some day the hour for me will come,
And I shall fall asleep.

Some day my work will all be done,
And I shall fall asleep,
But O what joy to know that I
Shall wake to nev­er weep!
For where I go we know that God
Has pro­mised per­fect rest
And peace for ev­ery ach­ing heart,
And ev­ery trou­bled breast;
And love more last­ing than our own
He’ll give to me to keep,
When all my bur­dens are laid down,
And I have gone to sleep.