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Menno Simons




Born: 1496, Wit­mar­sum, Fries­land, Ho­ly Ro­man Em­pire (now the Ne­ther­lands).

Died: Jan­ua­ry 31, 1561, Wüst­en­felde, Schles­wig-Hols­tein. The vil­lage was de­stroyed in the Thir­ty Years’ War, but is be­lieved to have been near pre­sent day Bad Ol­de­sloe, Ger­ma­ny.



Little is known of Sim­ons’ fa­mi­ly. His fa­ther’s name was Si­mon, Si­mons be­ing a pa­tro­nym.

During Sim­ons’ child­hood, Fries­land was ra­vaged by war, and he grew up in a vio­lent era.

Simons learned La­tin and some Greek, and around 1515, was or­dained a Ro­man Ca­tho­lic priest in Utrecht. In 1524, he be­came chap­lain in his fa­ther’s vil­lage of Ping­jum in Fries­land.

Simons left Ca­tho­li­cism in 1536, cast­ing his lot with the Ana­bap­tists. He ev­en­tu­al­ly rose to be­come one of the not­able lead­ers of that move­ment, which prac­ticed on­ly adult, be­liev­er’s bap­tism. The Men­non­ite de­nom­in­ation de­rives its name from him.

