Born: July 7, 1861, Lynchburg, Virginia.
Died: January 15, 1940, Staunton, Virginia.
Buried: Spring Hill Cemetery, Lynchburg, Virginia.
Georgie was the daughter of George Tillman Snead and Martha Davis Spinner.
Oh, wondrous grace my God hath given,
To me whose eyes were void of sight!
He hath infused His glorious light,
And now this earth is like to Heaven!
For now I see, my eyes discern,
The mighty marvels of His love,
The glories of the heavens above.
And wonders of the earth I learn.
New beauties everywhere now spring
In leaf and bud and tree and flower;
I feel the glory of each hour,
As fast it speeds on golden wing.
Can I repine when this rich feast
Is evermore before me spread,
In this great volume daily read,
Which God can show unto the least?
No, may I ever praise His name.
How hard soe’er my cross to bear,
Since everywhere in earth and air,
I see His wondrous love aflame.
Then let me through this day be strong
In earnest word and noble deed,
Since God supplies my every need.
And maketh bright my path along.
Georgie Tillman Snead
Joy-Bells, 1909
If you have biographical details on Snead, would you send us an e-mail?