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Enrique Benito Someillan


Henry Someillan


Born: 1856, Cu­ba.


When So­mei­llan was 13, his mo­ther, be­liev­ing his life was in dan­ger be­cause his fa­ther had been ex­pa­tri­at­ed to Cu­ba by Spain, sent him abroad un­der the pro­tect­ion of the Am­eri­can con­sul.

In Flo­ri­da, he be­came a Me­tho­dist pas­tor, and served as a mis­sion­ary in Key West and oth­er parts of Flo­ri­da.

He went to Ha­va­na in 1879 to es­tab­lish a mis­sion, and lat­er re­turned to Flo­ri­da.

He moved back to Cu­ba af­ter it achieved in­de­pen­dence in 1898, and re­tired in 1901.


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