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Joseph Stennett




Born: 1663, Ab­ing­don, Berk­shire, Eng­land.

Died: Ju­ly 11, 1713, at the home of his bro­ther-in-law, Mr. Mor­ton, in Knap­hill, Buck­ing­ham­shire, Eng­land. He had gone there on his doc­tor’s ad­vice, to re­co­ver from ill health. Ap­pare­nt­ly the ad­vice wasn’t much help.



Stennett was the grand­fa­ther of hym­nist Sam­uel Ste­nnett, and hus­band of a daugh­ter of George Guill, a French Pro­test­ant re­fu­gee (mar­ried 1688).

He at­tend­ed the Gram­mar School at Wall­ing­ford, Ox­ford­shire, then moved to Lon­don at age 22. He worked sev­er­al years there as a tu­tor.

The next year, he be­came a preach­er at the Bap­tist Sab­ba­tar­ian con­gre­ga­tion then meet­ing in De­von­shire Square, Lon­don (af­ter­ward in Pin­ners’ Hall). He be­came the pas­tor there in 1690, and served un­til his death.


Stennett al­so trans­lat­ed Dac­ier’s Plato and oth­er works from the French, and pub­lished sev­er­al ser­mons preached on the days of Na­tion­al Thanks­giv­ing and oth­er pub­lic oc­ca­sions.

After his death, his works were col­lect­ed and pub­lished in 1732 in four vol­umes.



Help Needed

If you know Sten­nett’s bu­ri­al place, would you send us an e-mail?