Scripture Verse

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13


Joseph Stennett (1663–1713)

Words: Jo­seph Sten­nett, Hymns for the Lord’s Sup­per 1697.

Music: Ni­ko­laus Ni­ko­laus Her­mann, 1554 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Nikolaus Hermann (1500–1561)


My blessèd Sav­ior, is Thy love
So great, so full, so free?
Behold, I give my love, my heart,
My life, my all to Thee.

I love Thee for the glo­ri­ous worth
In Thy great self I see:
I love Thee for that shame­ful cross
Thou hast en­dured for me.

No man of great­er love can boast
Than for his friend to die:
But for Thy ene­mies Thou wast slain:
What love with Thine can vie!

O Lord, I’ll cher­ish in my soul
The me­mo­ry of Thy love:
And Thy dear name shall still to me
A price­less trea­sure prove.