I go to prepare a place for you.
John 14:2
Words: Jessie A. Lee, 2007 (public domain).
Music: Sweet By and By Joseph P. Webster (🔊
There’s a home where I’m longing to go
In a land where no sorrow I’ll know,
And God’s bountiful blessings will flow
From His hand, and His love He’ll bestow.
Oh, my home—blessèd home!
Glorious home where my Jesus I’ll see!
Oh, my home—dearest home,
Where His sweet face will smile upon me!
Earthly diamonds can never compare
To the riches with Jesus I’ll share,
Where the Sun shines a gleam everywhere,
And the streets paved with gold are so fair.
In that home where I some day will be,
The redeemed of the earth I shall see.
They were saved by Christ’s blood on the tree.
I’ll rejoice with them clearly and free!
I will see those who went on before—
Dearest family, friends and still more:
Little children, sweet, innocent, pure,
Running, playing, on Heaven’s green shore.
Then our Lamb will extend His sweet hand,
And caress little children and stand
In the midst of them, leading their band,
With a smile on His face, through the land.
All our tears will He wipe from our eyes,
When to Heaven with Him we shall rise,
Gather all of His jewels as His prize;
Then we’ll sing of His love in the skies!