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Charles Edward Stephens



Born: March 18, 1821, St. Ma­ry­le­bone, Eng­land.

Died: Ju­ly 13, 1891, How­ley Place, Pad­ding­ton, Eng­land.


Charles was the ne­phew of Ca­ther­ine Ste­phens, Count­ess of Es­sex.

He stu­died un­der Ci­pri­ani Pot­ter, J. A. Ham­il­ton, and Hen­ry Bla­grove. He joined the Roy­al So­ci­ety of Mu­si­cians in 1843, and the Phil­har­mo­nic So­ci­ety in 1857 (and was lat­er its di­rect­or).

He played the or­gan at St. Mark’s, Mid­dle­ton Square; Ho­ly Tri­ni­ty, Pad­ding­ton (1846); St. Mark’s, Ham­il­ton Ter­race (1862); and St. Sav­iour’s, Pad­ding­ton (1872–75).

He served as ex­am­in­er for mu­sic­al de­grees at Cam­bridge Uni­ver­si­ty in 1880.



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