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Scripture Verse

The Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. Genesis 1:2


Words: Tho­mas B. Pol­lock, in Hymns An­cient and Mo­dern, 1889.

Music: Li­ta­ny for Those at Sea, Part 1 Charles E. Ste­phens (1821–1891) (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Ste­phens (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Thomas B. Pollock


Father, whose cre­at­ing hand
Made the ocean and the land;
All Thy crea­tures are Thy care,
Thou art pre­sent ev­ery­where.
Hear us, we be­seech Thee.

Christ, who didst of old ap­pear
On the wa­ters, draw­ing near;
Thou art able still to save,
Calmly rul­ing wind and wave.
Hear us, we be­seech Thee.

Holy Ghost, whose pre­sence shed
Life where all was dark and dead,
By Thy breath we move and live,
Thou dost light and or­der give.
Hear us, we be­seech Thee.

God, to whom our life we owe,
God, whose blood for man did flow,
God, who dost with­in us dwell,
Keep us Thine, and all is well.
Hear us, we be­seech Thee.

When the deep in slum­ber lies
Under bright and peace­ful skies,
When the winds in fu­ry rave,
Lifting high the rush­ing wave,
Hear us, we be­seech Thee.

All our hon­est la­bor bless,
Give each law­ful aim suc­cess;
In our time of need draw nigh,
Saying, Fear not, it is I.
Hear us, we be­seech Thee.

Guard the loved ones left be­hind,
Give them peace in heart and mind;
Keep us all in un­ion sweet,
At our Fa­ther’s mer­cy seat.
Hear us, we be­seech Thee.