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Thomas Banks Strong



Born: October 24, 1861.

Died: July 8, 1944.

Buried: Christ Church Ca­thed­ral, Ox­ford, Eng­land.



Strong was edu­cat­ed at West­min­ster School and Christ Church, Ox­ford, where he re­ceived a se­cond-class de­gree in Literae Humaniores in 1883.

At Christ Church, Strong was suc­ces­sive­ly Lec­tur­er (1884), Stu­dent (1888), Cen­sor (1892), and Dean (1901–20). The Uni­ver­si­ty of Ox­ford con­ferred a Doc­tor of Di­vi­ni­ty (DD) de­gree on him in Ja­nu­ary 1902.

Strong be­came a Ang­li­can de­acon in 1885, and priest in 1886. He became Bi­shop of Ri­pon in 1920, and in 1925 was trans­lat­ed as Bi­shop of Ox­ford, serving as such, and as Clerk of the Clo­set and Chan­cel­lor of the Or­der of the Gar­ter un­til 1937.

He became a Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire (GBE) in 1918.



Help Needed

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