Circa 759–826



Born: Cir­ca 759, Con­stan­ti­no­ple (now Is­tan­bul, Tür­ki­ye).

Died: No­vem­ber 11, 826, ap­par­ent­ly in the mon­as­tery of Ha­gios Try­phon on Cape Ak­ri­tas in Bi­thyn­ia (now on the north­ern coast of Tür­ki­ye, east of Is­tan­bul).

Buried: Stu­dios Mon­as­te­ry, Con­stan­ti­no­ple.


Educated by his un­cle Pla­to, Theo­dore was ban­ished by Con­stan­tine for his re­so­lute re­fus­al to ac­know­ledge the Em­per­or’s il­li­cit mar­riage with Theo­do­ra in 797.

On the ac­cess­ion of Ir­ene (798), he was re­called and en­joyed the fa­vor of the Em­press. In 809, he was again ban­ished, for the old cause, re­fus­al to ac­know­ledge the le­gi­ti­ma­cy of Con­stan­tine’s mar­riage.

Recalled once more in 811, he was im­pris­oned and again ban­ished for his de­fense of icons, un­der Leo the Ar­me­ni­an. He was re­called a third time at the death of Leo.

He su­cceed­ed his un­cle Pla­to as He­gu­men of the Mon­as­te­ry of the Stu­di­um.

