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Theoktistus of the Studium

Theoctistus of the Studium


Theoktistus was a monk at the Stu­di­um (or Stu­di­os) mo­nas­te­ry in Con­stan­ti­no­ple (now Istan­bul, Tür­ki­ye), cir­ca 890. John Neale called him a friend of St. Jo­seph.

Theoktistus’ on­ly known work is Sup­pli­ant Ca­non to Je­sus, found at the end of the Pa­ra­cle­ti­ce (Pa­ra­kle­ti­kê) or Great Oc­to­ech­us (Ok­to­ech­os), a vol­ume in eight parts, con­tain­ing the Fe­ri­al Of­fice for eight weeks.



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