Scripture Verse

The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe. Proverbs 18:10


John M. Neale (1818–1866)


Words: Theok­tis­tus of the Stu­di­um, cir­ca 890 (Ιησου γλυκύτατε). Trans­lat­ed from Greek to Eng­lish by John M. Neale in Hymns of the East­ern Church, 1862.

Music: The­ok­tis­tus Fred­er­ick A. Gore-Ou­se­ley, in the mu­sic­al edi­tion of Neale’s Hymns of the East­ern Church, 1882 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

Frederick A. Gore-Ouseley (1825–1889)


Jesu! Name all names above,
Jesu, best and dear­est,
Jesu, fount of per­fect love,
Holiest, ten­der­est, near­est;
Jesu, source of grace com­plet­est,
Jesu pur­est, Je­su sweet­est,
Jesu well of pow­er di­vine,
Make me, keep me, seal me Thine.

Jesu, op­en me the gate,
That the rob­ber en­tered,
Who in that most lost es­tate
Wholly on Thee ven­tured.
Thou whose wounds are ev­er plead­ing,
And Thy pas­sion in­ter­ced­ing,
From my mi­se­ry let me rise
To a home in pa­ra­dise.

Jesu, crowned with thorns for me,
Scourged for my trans­gress­ion,
Witnessing through ago­ny,
That Thy good con­fess­ion;
Jesu, clad in pur­ple rai­ment,
For my ev­il mak­ing pay­ment,
Let not all Thy woe and pain,
Let not Cal­va­ry be in vain.

When I reach death’s bit­ter sea,
And its waves mount high­er,
Earthly help for­sak­ing me
As the storm draws nigh­er,
Jesu, leave me not to lang­uish
Helpless, home­less, full of ang­uish;
Jesu, let me hear Thee say,
Thou shalt be with Me to­day.