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Steingrímur Thorsteinsson




Born: May 19, 1831, Ar­nars­ta­pi, Snæ­fells­nes, Ice­land.

Died: Au­gust 21, 1913, Reyk­ja­vík, Ice­land.


Steingrímur was the fa­ther of writ­er Har­al­dur Ha­mar Thor­steins­son.

He at­tend­ed the Lær­ða Skól­an­um in Reyk­ja­vík in 1851, then went to Den­mark to stu­dy law at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Co­pen­ha­gen.

He even­tu­al­ly moved from the stu­dy of law to an­cient lan­guag­es ​​(Greek and La­tin), his­to­ry and Nor­dic stud­ies.

He re­turned to Ice­land in 1872 and taught at the Lær­ða Skól­an­um. He even­tu­al­ly beca­me its rec­tor, an of­fice he held un­til his death.

Thorsteinsson trans­lat­ed ma­ny works in­to Ice­lan­dic, in­clud­ing 1001 Ara­bi­an Nights, Shakes­peare’s King Lear, Da­ni­el De­foe’s Ro­bin­son Cru­soe, and the fai­ry tales of Hans Chris­tian An­der­sen.

He was a strong sup­port­er of Jón Si­gurðs­son in the cam­paign for Ice­lan­dic in­de­pen­dence.



Help Needed

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