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Paul Frederick Tidman



Died: Jan 27, 1889, Chis­el­hurst, Kent, Eng­land.



Tidman lived in the Far East 1852–64, in­clud­ing time with James Brooke, Ra­jah of Sa­ra­wak (Ma­lay­sia).

From 1865 un­til his death, Tid­man was part­ner in an East In­dia firm in Lead­en­hall Street, Lon­don.

In 1888, he was made Com­pan­ion of the Or­der of St. Mi­chael and St. George (CMG) in re­cog­ni­tion of his ser­vic­es to the Straits Set­tle­ments, a group of Brit­ish ter­ri­tor­ies in South­east and East As­ia.

Under the name of Mark Ev­ans, he pub­lished a num­ber of re­li­gious books for child­ren, charm­ing­ly writ­ten from an undogmatic stand­point (Ju­li­an).

His works in­clude:



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