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William Sherman Tidwell


Sherm Tidwell


Born: Ju­ly 1, 1877, Bear Creek, Ala­ba­ma.

Died: Feb­ru­ary 5, 1975, Ma­ri­on, Ala­ba­ma.

Buried: Mount­ain Home Ce­me­te­ry, Bear Creek, Ala­ba­ma.


Sherman was the son of Si­mon Me­ter Tid­well and Eli­za­beth Jane Ram­sey, and hus­band of Le­la Wood­son How­ard Mull­ins.

He lived in God­dard, Ala­ba­ma, about 10 years, and Bear Creek, Ala­ba­ma, about the same length of time.

In his days, shape note sing­ing schools and sing­ing con­ven­tions were com­mon and po­pu­lar events through­out north­west Ala­ba­ma. Tid­well is re­mem­bered in that re­gion both as a song writ­er and a song lead­er. He al­so con­trib­ut­ed to the Vaugh­an and lat­er the Stamps Bax­ter pub­lish­ers.



Help Needed

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Tid­well (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?