Then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
Matthew 24:30
Words: James S. Wells & Edgar Jackson, 1921.
Music: William S. Tidwell (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Jackson or Tidwell (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
On the resurrection morning
We shall hear the clarion warning,
Hear the call (shall hear the call)
Of trumpet loud (the trumpet loud);
From the tombs there shall come leaping
Those awakened from death’s sleeping,
At His coming (coming, coming),
At His coming in the clouds.
Sing hosannas, sing hosannas;
When the Lord each body raises,
We will shout and sing His praises,
At His coming (coming, coming),
At His coming in the clouds.
O what joy, what exultation,
When redeemed from every nation,
Shall compose (yes, shall compose)
The ransomed crowds (the ransomed crowds);
How each one will gladly greet Him,
How each heart will thrill to meet Him,
At His coming (coming, coming),
At His coming in the clouds.
Robes of white will there be given,
As we enter into Heaven,
Casting off (yes, casting off)
The somber shrouds (all somber shrouds);
Never care or never sorrow
We shall know on that bright morrow,
For He’s coming (coming, coming),
Yes, He’s coming in the clouds.
Friends who long ago departed
Left us lone and brokenhearted,
As we went (yes, as we went)
In sorrow bowed (in sorrow bowed);
We shall greet with fond embraces,
As we gaze into their faces,
At His coming (coming, coming),
At His coming in the clouds.