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Scripture Verse

Then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. Matthew 24:30


James S. Wells (1872–1947)

Words: James S. Wells & Ed­gar Jack­son, 1921.

Music: Will­iam S. Tid­well (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Jack­son or Tid­well (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


On the re­sur­rect­ion morn­ing
We shall hear the clar­ion warn­ing,
Hear the call (shall hear the call)
Of trum­pet loud (the trum­pet loud);
From the tombs there shall come leap­ing
Those awak­ened from death’s sleep­ing,
At His com­ing (com­ing, com­ing),
At His com­ing in the clouds.


Sing ho­san­nas, sing hosan­nas;
When the Lord each bo­dy raises,
We will shout and sing His prais­es,
At His com­ing (com­ing, com­ing),
At His com­ing in the clouds.

O what joy, what ex­ul­ta­tion,
When re­deemed from ev­ery na­tion,
Shall com­pose (yes, shall com­pose)
The ran­somed crowds (the ran­somed crowds);
How each one will glad­ly greet Him,
How each heart will thrill to meet Him,
At His com­ing (com­ing, com­ing),
At His com­ing in the clouds.


Robes of white will there be giv­en,
As we en­ter in­to Heav­en,
Casting off (yes, cast­ing off)
The som­ber shrouds (all som­ber shrouds);
Never care or nev­er sor­row
We shall know on that bright mor­row,
For He’s com­ing (com­ing, com­ing),
Yes, He’s com­ing in the clouds.


Friends who long ago de­part­ed
Left us lone and brok­en­heart­ed,
As we went (yes, as we went)
In sor­row bowed (in sor­row bowed);
We shall greet with fond embrac­es,
As we gaze in­to their fac­es,
At His com­ing (com­ing, com­ing),
At His com­ing in the clouds.
