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Henry George Tomkins



Died: Feb­ru­ary 21, 1907, Weston-super-Mare, So­mer­set, Eng­land.


Tomkins was edu­cat­ed at Tri­ni­ty Col­lege, Cam­bridge.

Ordained in 1857, he was vi­car of Brans­combe, De­von, 1868–72.

He wrote sev­er­al po­ems and hymns in Ly­ra Ang­li­ca­na and oth­er Col­lect­ions.



Occupy Till I Come

Work while it is called Today,
Watch and pray!
With both thine hands right earnestly
As in the sight of God most high,
Thy calling ply.

Watch! it is the Master calls thee:
Pray! it is His ear that hears;
Up! shake off thy chilly fears!
Mindful that whate’er befalls thee
Leaves thee further on the way,
Watch and pray.

Watch! for demons haunt around thee;
Sin and harm beset thy path;
Yet be sure that nothing hath
Power to hinder or confound thee,
So thou faithfully alway
Watch and pray.

Pray! lest watching make thee weary;
Praying thou shalt never fail.
Though the night be long and dreary,
Though the dawn be faint and pale,
Brightens fast the perfect Day:
Watch and pray.

Henry G. Tomkins (1826–1907)
In Lyra Anglicana



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